Welcome to the farm
Monte Farm is a Flower Farm in Imlay City, Michigan that focuses on organic & regenerative practices.

HOw did two city kids become milkmaids and lumberjacks?
WelCOme to Monte Farm
We just wanted farm fresh eggs. Five little chicks turned into a milk cow, a herd of beef cattle, a flock of sheep and a burning desire to learn, grow, do MORE. We weren't raised on a farm, and we fell face-first in to each new adventure. Cultivating old-fashioned, self-sustaining skills has kept us challenged and fed. Each new project brings new hurdles and rewards. Join us, as we stumble along together.
Meet the gang
Say a quick “hello” to the farm posse.
Farm Tales
All of our embarrassing antics chronicled for your enjoyment
Our homegrown & homemade soaps & lotions.